Saturday 31 August 2013

Important Data Processing Services Can Help Your Business

Data Processing is nothing but conversion of unorganized data into useful formation. Information in itself is useless unless it is in a form where meaning could be derived out of it. Data processing consists of tasks that involve entering of data into the computer, summarize it and present it in a way that users can understand it and use the data as required.

It is very common these days to outsource data processing services. Service providers have developed many automated processes that processes information in no time which results in considerable reduction in cost and effort. More over it offers a chance to the business managers to concentrate more on core tasks of business and secondary tasks are taken care of by some expert at nominal charges.

Following are few of the important data processing services that can help business considerably:
• Forms processing: processing of forms like application forms, registration forms, admission forms etc.
• Cheque processing: like scanning, verification and evaluation, truncation and market assessment of cheques.
• Image processing: scanning, enhancing, optimizing and converting the images into desired format.
• OCR Clean up: recognition of errors and inconsistencies of a large amount of figures and elimination of same to produce a quality document.
• Survey Processing: questionnaire preparation, punching of the result of the survey, analysis and interpretation of survey feedback, designing of presentation of graphics for analysis.
• Data Mining: Accumulation of data and meta data, online data search and collection information through various websites and other online resources.
• Data Cleansing: eliminate discrepancies in data and information accuracy. It involves homogenizing, validation and rectification of records.


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